INES is an informal network of experts interested in the practical and theoretical aspects of the policy, program and project evaluations.

has been established by representatives of voluntary organisations for professional evaluation from Bosnia&Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia on 27 Sep 2013 in Sarajevo. The Forum was administered by the Slovenian Evaluation Society until 25th Jan 2018. Thereafter, Dr. Marijana Sumpor, Croatian Evaluators' Network (CEN), is coordinating the WBEN activities.

Macedonian Evaluation Network (MEN)

Slovensko drustvo evalvatorjev
Hrvatska evaluatorska mreza (HEM)
Udruzenje evaluatora u BiH

Asocijacija profesionalnih evaluatora Crne Gore
4th Regional Conference of Evaluators in the Balkans region “Reflecting the practice of evaluation”
Western Balkan Evaluation Network (WBEN) invites evaluators, researchers and other stakeholders dealing with public policy evaluations and related concepts to
IRIPE Consultation on Professionalization of Evaluation
September 2, 2021 As a part of the Western Balkan Evaluation Network (WBEN), INES representatives participated in the event “Consultation
INES received a IOCE/Evalpartners grant for realization of the project “Strengthening VOPEs’ capacities in Europe: A practical approach for streamlining the evaluation of Key Horizontal Principles (KHP)”.
September 17, 2021 In partnership with 6 other VOPEs, INES has been selected to conduct project on strengthening internal NESE